workplace harassment lawyers
Being harassed at work not only affects your employment, it affects your entire life. You shouldn’t have to put up with it. Thankfully, the law says you don’t have to. Our workplace harassment lawyers have over 35 years of experience putting a stop to harassment and getting our clients the compensation they deserve. We handle workplace harassment claims of all kinds, including workplace harassment claims based on:
Racial Harassment
Sex/Gender Harassment
Sexual Orientation Harassment
Gender Identity Harassment
Disability Harassment
Age Harassment
Religious Harassment
National Origin Harassment
FMLA Harassment
Weight Harassment
Height Harassment
Union Activity Harassment
serving Workplace Harassment Victims Across Michigan
Fett Law’s workplace harassment lawyers serve victims across Michigan, including workplace harassment victims in: Detroit, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Flint, Saginaw, Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Jackson, and Traverse City.
If you are the victim of workplace harassment, contact us today to have our workplace harassment lawyers evaluate your case free of charge. To get started, simply call us at 734-954-0100, click the button below, or visit our Free Consultation page.
Our workplace harassment lawyers also offer Zoom consultations. If you are a victim of workplace harassment outside of Southeast Michigan and would prefer a workplace harassment lawyer closer to you, you should still contact us. If we believe you have a case, we will refer you to a workplace harassment lawyer in your area free of charge.
our harassment lawyers
james k. fett workplace harassment lawyer
Fett Law is led by workplace harassment lawyer James K. Fett. James graduated from the University of Michigan Law School in 1986 and has been representing victims of workplace harassment ever since. James established himself as Michigan’s preeminent workplace harassment lawyer by winning the first harassment case ever aired on CourtTV.
James has been named as a Top Ten Most Outstanding Attorney by Michigan Lawyers Weekly, Lawyer of the Year by the Washtenaw Trial Lawyers Association, and been named as a Super Lawyer by Law & Politics Magazine.
You can learn more about James at Employment Harassment Attorney James K. Fett.
$1.6 Million Judgment for Hispanic Worker in Harassment Case
Joseph Pena was a laborer with the Ingham County Road Commission. For thirteen years he was forced to endure despicable racial slurs and harassment. Joe’s boss told him “there are people here that don’t want Mexicans, Blacks or women working here. You’ve got to live with it.” Our workplace harassment lawyers disagreed and brought a hostile work environment claim on his behalf. We took the case to trial and the jury returned a verdict of $1.3 million. Judgment was entered by the court for $1.6 million.
Read more about the case at $1.3 Million Jury Verdict for Racial Harassment.
Ford Settles “Vile” Sexual Harassment Lawsuit
Andrea Busha was a factory worker at Ford Motor Company. Her supervisor subjected her to vile and outrageous sexual harassment. Neither the union nor Ford would take action. Our workplace harassment lawyers did and got Andrea the justice and vindication she deserved, winning a confidential settlement.
You can read more about this case at: Ford Settles “Vile” Sexual Harassment Lawsuit (
Jury Awards Damages for Sexual Harassment in Case Tried on CourtTV
ANN ARBOR – Louis McWherter’s lawsuit against the City of Ann Arbor sends a clear message to women: It’s OK to report sexual harassment in the workplace and it’s illegal for employers to retaliate against them. So says workplace harassment lawyer James Fett after a Washtenaw County Circuit Court jury awarded $255,000 in damages for his client, McWherter, on Friday. McWherter, a city parking referee sued Dean Bowerbank, an operations analyst in the Ann Arbor transportation department, for sexual harassment.
You can read more about this case at: Workplace Harassment Case Tried on CourtTV
City Settles Religious Workplace Harassment Lawsuit
LINCOLN PARK – The city’s insurance carrier has agreed to pay $115,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by a former city employee who says his supervisor and co-workers harassed him for nearly a decade for being a Christian. Lawrence Andzelik, 46, worked in the city’s Department of Public Services from 1993 and 2003 and was subjected to near-daily persecution because of his strong religious beliefs, according to two lawsuits he brought against the city over the last 13 months. He filed one suit in September 2004 in Wayne County Circuit Court and filed another in January in U.S. District Court. Both claims were identical in nature.
You can read more at: City Settles Workplace Harassment Lawsuit
workplace harassment CASEs in the news
Jackson County Sheriff Sued for Disability Harassment
JACKSON – A Jackson County Sheriff’s lieutenant is suing Jackson County alleging he was harassed for his hearing disability and retaliated against because he reported misconduct by Jackson County Sheriff Steven Rand. Tommy Schuette, alleges that Rand would refer to him as “deaf and dumb” or “special needs,” on a daily basis, creating a hostile work environment. The lawsuit brought by workplace harassment lawyer James K. Fett also alleges that Rand is a “multifaceted bigot” who uttered “numerous slurs in the presence of many individuals” targeting gays, women, African-Americans, and Hispanics.
You can read more about this case at: Lieutenant Sues for Workplace Harassment (
Learn more about whether you may have a claim for hostile work environment by visiting our Know Your Rights, Hostile Work Enviornment page.